This week's update brings the ability to make VoIP phone calls to any phone number, landline or mobile, for an allegedly low rate (calls to other app users are free). The app also displays your phone number on caller ID, so your far-flung friends need not know you're calling them on the cheap, and the app is 100% free, no ads involved. [Android] [iOS]
Microsoft's try at social media (it's even pronounced "social" - get it?) has a new app for Android, iOS and naturally, Windows Phone. The search-based social network focuses on the visuals, letting you create collages and respond to others' images by making your own changes. Let's see where this one goes. [Android] [iOS] [Windows Phone]
Convert Everything
Cover (beta)
A smart lockscreen that promises to give you the right apps for whatever you're doing, Cover gives you quick app access based on the time of day and your location. It's also got a smooth single-swipe app switching function to make for quick navigation. [Free]
Android Device Manager
Android's formerly desktop-only device locator
Pandora Radio
The popular streaming music app's iOS 7 update brings fresh new design, and perhaps most importantly, the return of the alarm clock feature. Now you can wake up to a genre, not just a specific song like iOS's built-in alarm clock. [Free]
Fiverr, the anything-for-five-bucks freelance marketplace just rolled out this app that lets you hire yourself or someone else to do the things you need done. It's even got in-app direct messaging and push notifications to ensure you never miss out on a gig. [Free]
Windows Phone
The ubiquitous professional social service now lets you add photos to your profile and monitor who's been checking you out. It also can pull contacts from your address book to help you boost your connections. Now get out there and start networking! [Free]